Setup Ghost blog on

Ghost is an awesome blogging platform, but there is one "problem", it is written in Nodejs which is not so widely supported (as PHP) among a shared hosting platforms. Here is how to setup Ghost blog (and probably any other Node.js app) if you are on

  1. Log in to an admin interface and create a new website in WWW websites menu.
  2. Website type select Node.js
  3. Node.js binary select one which suits your needs (in the time of writing it is 4.7.2)
  4. click +Add button

  1. Upload Ghost files to the public_nodejs/ghost directory inside your domain folder (you will have to create ghost subfolder) and install Ghost there. During installation process follow the official documentation Installing Ghost on Linux. A full path for your ghost directory would usually look like this:


Creating ghost subfolder is optional and I've done it just in order to keep public_nodejs folder clean. By default, it contains public and tmp subfolders which I didn't touch.

  1. The only tricky step is to create entry "script" for your blogging app. According to the official mydevil docs about Nodejs apps it is enough to create simple app.js file directly inside public_nodejs directory. This file should be an entry point for running your app, so in this case app.js may have only one line:

    require('./ghost/index.js'); // provided that you install Ghost in a `ghost` subdirectory
  2. That's it. The work is done. Now access to setup your admin account.